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My Involvement & Impact

My Internship

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P-443 INShape IUPUI Personal Training


My INShape experience is an experience I will always remember.  I was at first nervous when initially starting the program because I had never trained anyone by myself before or was expected to be the expert on showing people what to do, but when I started that first week I knew the exercise science program here at IUPUI really prepared me for this exact moment.  All the classes started to come together piece by piece and everything that I have learned finally came to light.  I think sometimes we as college students get lost in college while we are taking classes often wondering why is this class important or why am I taking this?  I think this internship definitely proved to be a case in point on why we took all the classes that we did. 


In this internship, I put together an 8-week program for my client based on things that they wanted to see a change in. I would say my experience was unique as far as your run-of-the-mill INShape program goes.  I started the program with 1 client and we worked together for a couple of weeks but they ended up being too busy and had to drop the program.  I was a little lost after that. I felt like all the hard work of programming and testing was for nothing, but I overcame and then I realized that this happens and will happen as long as I am in the fitness industry.  Clients come and go and sometimes things don't always work out the way you want them to. Through my INShape experience, I learned some valuable lessons like how to be flexible, how to adapt on the fly, and how to get out of my comfort zone. I found these lessons to be very important for my development in the industry and will hold on to them as I progress as a professional. 

Additional Experience 

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Camp Brosius

Camp Brosius Leadership Development Camp - Elkhart Lake, WI 


Camp Brosius was a week-long intensive leadership development camp where I learned a lot about myself and I learned how to trust and work with people I have never met before.  This camp made me more confident in myself and really helped me discover some things I didn't know about myself by making me step out of my comfort zone.


Top 5 Strengths:

1. Adaptability

2. Achiever

3. Relator

4. Responsibility

5. Arranger 


Personal Leadership Style:

The way I like to lead others is by leading from the front.  I use open communication and active listening to members of the group to achieve a common goal.  I love motivating and encouraging others to reach their own personal goals as well. We all succeed together and work hard as one unit to achieve a common goal.


Motor Activity Clinic

P-410 IUPUI Adapted Movements Program - Ability Fitness Clinic 


The Motor Activity Clinic is an individualized physical fitness program for young adults in the Indianapolis area with disabilities.  For 6 weeks, I was paired with one client who had Autism, Cerebral Palsy, and Sakoda Complex.  We performed fitness testing, I designed exercises plans, we worked on social behavior change plans and fitness goals that he was interested in setting.  I gained so much experience from this clinic that I never would have if I wasn't at IUPUI.  I have never worked with anyone with a disability before and this class taught me how to understand people with disabilities and how to work with people with disabilities.  I learned patience, how to make exercises fun, how to make adjustments on the fly, and how to be myself and enjoy working with others.


PARCS - Group Fitness

P-403 Serving Learning - PARCS Group Fitness Coach 


For my service learning assignment for P-403 I was a PARCS Group Fitness Instructor for twice a week for 3 weeks.  One other student and I were assigned an elderly stretching and weight training class.  I had a class of 15 participants and I started the class out with a 10 minute dynamic warm up, followed by 40 minutes of circuit training full body exercises, and a 10 minute stretch and cool down.  This class was very impactful to me because it was really the first time that I came up with my own exercise/fitness program, I listened to what the class wanted to do the for following week, and really just interacting with people that regularly participate in these exercise classes.  

T: 260-705-9562
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